Gene Brown

Gene Brown: Architect of Synergistic Connections

[email protected]


Let’s step into the vibrant world of Gene Brown, a partner and facilitator within American Business Associates (ABA). Gene’s journey is a tapestry woven from diverse experiences, entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for bringing people together. Buckle up—we’re about to explore the art of networking and the power of community.

Gene Brown


Business to Business Alchemist

As a partner in ABA since 1999, Gene crafts and leads Business to Business networking and business development groups. Picture the bustling streets of metro NYC—the heartbeat of commerce. Gene’s influence extends far beyond introductions; he taps into an extensive resource bank of individuals and companies, providing solutions and connections that sparkle.


From Sociology to Submarines

Gene’s skill in working with people isn’t happenstance. His academic journey through sociology and social psychology (thanks, Bard College!) led to a decade of grassroots community organizing and development. But that’s not all. Gene spent a decade with the U.S. Navy, overhauling nuclear submarines. And while wrenches turned, he also bridged gaps as chief steward for the Iron Workers’ trade union—a true mediator between labor and management.


Retail, Restaurants, and Landscapes

Gene’s entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds. He owned retail and wholesale imprinted sportswear businesses, managed fine Italian dining restaurants, and even tended to landscapes. Whether measuring biomass or orchestrating business deals, Gene’s thread remains consistent: pooling people together for collective improvement.


Boosting Careers, One Connection at a Time

Gene’s sweet spot? Working with those just starting their careers—the ones excited about their future. A BOOST, if you will. And when he’s not networking, you’ll find him immersed in history, biking, hiking, lifting weights, and devouring books.


So, whether you’re navigating the business seas or exploring the annals of time, Gene Brown knows how to create opportunities where performance, self-interests, and collective success intersect.