
In his book, New Rules for the New Economy, Kevin Kelly says that networks have “their own logic.” When you embrace one and join in, curious things happen. As your network grows, you get more value than you can see. The tendency is for networks to create small opportunities generating a momentum that leads to the “law of increasing returns.” As the network increases the value explodes exponentially.

Networking is Building Valuable Relationships, it’s not about the transaction.

Networking is all about trust and rapport; give and take; mutual win/win. It is all about the quality of your relationships. The real value of a business network can only be developed over a lifetime and should therefore be nurtured with good intention. In other words, being too busy is never an excuse to not network. In the end, successful transactions are the fruit of solid relationships.

Business-to-business networking can help your business overcome: 

  • Lack of prospects
  • Lack of business connections
  • Business isolation
  • Lack of market intelligence
  • Wasting time with dead-end contacts